

The mustard has been consumed for 3000 years by the Chinese and has been present since the highest antiquity. Find out more

The vinegars

The “sour wine”, as called by the Ancient, fuels the history of mankind. We know that vinegar was made 5000 years ago in Egypt and in Mesopotamia and we also know that, lengthened with water, this was the drink of legionaries. Find out more

The vinaigrettes

Very similar to those made by hand, the two-phase salad dressings are the exact reproduction of those made at home. Their particularity? An addition of some very finely mixed herbs or vegetables to give them a delicious flavour and a perfect (…) Find out more

The sauces

Indispensable allied of a great and gourmet cuisine, the mayonnaises, salad dressings and sauces from our different brands offer an exceptional range of flavours. We thus have 150 recipes declined. Find out more